Starting a business? Our number one pick for registered agent services is ZenBusiness.
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Whether a business owner is forming a corporation, non-profit, or limited liability company (LLC) in Nevada, one of the first steps in the process will be choosing a registered agent (sometimes referred to as a statutory agent or resident agent) to have on public record with the Nevada Secretary of State.
To better understand how selecting a registered agent fits in the process of starting a Nevada business and find out what other steps you’ll need to take in the process, such as selecting a business name, read this guide: how an LLC is formed in Nevada.
What is a Nevada registered agent?
A registered agent is a point of contact, either a person or business entity, that is charged with the collection and organization of important legal documents on behalf of a Nevada business. These tasks and legal documents might include things such as due dates, renewals, annual reports, legal notifications, or service of processes regarding potential lawsuits.
How do I select a Nevada registered agent?
The registered agent is selected on the LLC formation paperwork, which in Nevada is called Articles of Organization or Articles of Incorporation. The registered agent information such as the agent’s address and name will be listed on this document.
Who can be a registered agent in Nevada?
Every state has essentially the same criteria to be a registered agent. In Nevada, the following requirements must be met:
- The registered agent must be a minimum of 18 years old
- The person or entity is required to have a Nevada physical street address. PO boxes are not allowed
- The registered agent must be available to accept important legal documents during normal business hours, Monday through Friday
Can I be my own registered agent in Nevada?
Yes. By law in the state of Nevada, a business owner is allowed to represent themselves as a registered agent for their business entity.
Why would a company choose to work with a registered agent service?
Starting and running a new business keeps a business owner very busy and for most entrepreneurs, every penny counts. Although you may be able to save some money by representing yourself as a registered agent, you might want to consider the benefits of outsourcing the job. Some reasons to choose a registered agent service might be:
- A local business address. If you’re launching a new business in Nevada, you may not yet have a storefront, office, or house in the state. This might mean you can’t fulfill the requirement of having a physical address. By using a registered agent service, you’ll be able to use the agent’s address as your registered office while you continue to build your Nevada business.
- Availability. Time is sometimes more precious than money when it comes to business, so you must consider your availability. Many start-ups require the business owner to attend meetings, run errands, and travel to meet with investors, contractors, and vendors. Using a registered agent service can guarantee a registered agent will consistently be available during normal business hours as required by law.
- Privacy. Legal paperwork is often hand-delivered by a process server. While not all documents are related to lawsuits, you might not want to risk customers, neighbors, or employees witnessing deliveries of such documents at your place of business. You can avoid this by using a registered agent service.
- Experience. When it comes to matters of state and federal compliance regulations, things can get complicated quickly. A registered agent service will have trusted experience from working with other represented entities and can even offer additional services to help you run your business well and keep you in good standing with the state.
How much does a registered agent service cost in Nevada?
The range for registered agents in Nevada typically runs from $35 to $119, potentially more with additional state fees.
List of Nevada registered agent services
Need a Nevada registered agent? Here are a few choices:
Starting a business? Our number one pick for registered agent services is ZenBusiness.
ZenBusiness |
Visit ZenBusiness | |
Northwest Registered Agent |
Visit Northwest | | |
Visit Incfile |
- ZenBusiness: ZenBusiness is fairly new to the market, but they’ve grown a strong following. Business owners love the affordable rates for a registered agent service, which are as low as $99 per year. The company offers worry-free compliance too, to help business owners file the necessary reports on time.
- Northwest Registered Agent: Northwest is one of the most recognized names in the registered agent business. The company has decades of experience and local offices scattered across the U.S. to serve small businesses like yours. The cost for a registered agent service is comparable to others. Business owners can also take advantage of additional services like report filing.
- Incfile: Incfile is another trusted name for business services, including its registered agent services. Business owners can get a registered agent free for a year. That’s right, free. After the first year, the price kicks in at $119. An online dashboard, automatic mail forwarding, and tailored notifications also come with the service.
Nevada registered agent FAQs
Yes. As a new business entity, you’re required to choose and list a registered agent where it’s required on your Nevada LLC formation documents and it’s also crucial to remain in good standing with the state of Nevada.
Yes. Nevada’s Secretary of State allows you to do so by filling out a Statement of Change of registered agent form. There is a $60 filing fee, whether done online or via postal mail.
Some forms on the Nevada Secretary of State website will ask you to select whether you’ve chosen a commercial or noncommercial registered agent. The general guideline is that if you’ve chosen to represent yourself, choose non-commercial. Choose commercial if you’ve paid a person or business entity to serve as your LLC’s registered agent.